Goregaon, Mumbai: The Kerala Kala Samithi in Goregaon has announced an exciting opportunity for all photography enthusiasts and Vishu celebrants with the launch of their Vishu Kani Photo Contest. Vishu, the traditional New Year festival celebrated in Kerala, holds great significance for Malayalees around the world. As part of the festivities, the Vishu Kani ritual, where the first sight on Vishu morning is believed to bring prosperity and good fortune for the year ahead, holds a special place in the hearts of Malayalees. In celebration of this cherished tradition, the Kerala Kala Samithi Goregaon invites participants to capture the essence of Vishu Kani through their lenses and submit their entries for a chance to win attractive prizes. Participants can submit their Vishu Kani entries by sending three photos - a close-up shot of the Kani, a long shot capturing the entire setup, and a selfie with the Kani - along with their name and phone number via WhatsApp to 9819904719
The deadline for submitting entries is 11.00 AM on April 14, 2024. The Kerala Kala Samithi Goregaon will select the three best entries based on creativity, composition, and adherence to the theme of Vishu Kani. The winners of the Vishu Kani Photo Contest will be announced shortly after the submission deadline and will receive attractive prizes as a token of appreciation for their participation. So, grab your cameras and smartphones, and capture the beauty and significance of Vishu Kani to share with the world. Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your photography skills and celebrate the spirit of Vishu with the Kerala Kala Samithi Goregaon.
For more details contact 9821007560/ 9833721527. Follow Kerala Kala Samithi Goregaon on social media platforms. Let the Vishu celebrations begin!