After a gap of four decades, the legendary Gana Gandharvan K. J. Yesudas is set to perform live at the Ayyappa Temple in Shell Colony, Chembur, alongside his son, Vijay Yesudas, who is also a talented singer. Yesudas used to grace this temple with his performances during Mandala Masam until the early '80s, making this event particularly special. Music lovers in Mumbai have reason to celebrate! On December 14th at Shell Colony Ground, starting at 7 PM, with free entry for all. This remarkable event features the legendary father and son duo together for the first time in Mumbai, accompanied by renowned musicians Thiruvarur Bakthavathsalam, Sr. Mahadeva Sarma, and Trippunithura Radhakrishnan. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to witness a musical legacy!