Minister for Cultural Affairs Saji Cheriyan announced the Kerala State Film Awards for 2023 on August 16. Writer Benyamin’s novel Aatujeevitam, depicting the life of a goat caretaker in the Gulf, was highly popular, and director Blessy adapted it into poetry on the silver screen. Kathal the Core, directed by Jio Baby, secured the award for Best Film, while Aatujeevitam, directed by Blessy, was named the Best Popular Film. Prithviraj Sukumaran was chosen Best Actor for his role in Aatujeevitam. The second Best Film was Iratta, directed by Rohit Krishnan. Blessy received the Best Director award for his masterpiece Aatujeevitam. Urvasi was named Best Actress of 2023 for her role in Ullozhukku (Undercurrent), sharing the honor with Beena R. Chandran for Thatavu (Imprisonment). Vijayaraghavan won the Best Character Actor Award for Pookkalam, and the Best Child Artists were Avyukt Menon for Pachuvum Adbhuavilakkum and Thennal Abhilash for Shesham Mikkil Fatima. Fasil Razak was named Best Debutant Director for Thatavu. Music director Vidyadharan Master was recognized as the Best Singer of the Year. The award for Best Screenplay went to Rohit for Iratta, and the Best Editor award was given to Sangeet Pratap for Little Miss Rawther. The Best Art Director award went to Mohandas for Everyone is a Hero.