The film Mura has been released in theatres, including those in Mumbai, since November 8. Directed by Mustafa, known for his successful film Kappela, Mura is a gripping crime thriller. Niranjan, the son of Mumbai advocate Smt. Prema Menon, serves as the chief associate director. The film features prominent actors such as Suraj Venjaramood, Mala Parvathy, and several promising young talents in key roles.
The screenplay and dialogues for Mura have been written by Suresh Babu, the scriptwriter of the popular comedy serial Uppum Mulakum. The movie, produced by Ria Shibu and her team, explores the complex themes of friendship, love, and revenge.
In Mumbai, the film is being screened at the following theatres: Cinepolis at Seawoods Grand Central Mall (Nerul), Cinepolis at K-Star Mall (Chembur), and PVR Market City (Kurla). Tickets are available for booking through Book My Show.