Film lovers in Kerala cherish two iconic films, Neelakkuyil (1954) and Bhargavi Nilayam (1964), both scripted by Malayalam literary giants P. C. Kuttikrishnan (Uroob) and Vaikom Mohammed Basheer, respectively. Neelakkuyil, based on a Kannada story, was produced by T. K. Pareekutty of Chandratara Productions, while Bhargavi Nilayam adapted elements from Basheer's short stories, including Neelavelicham and Mathilukal.

Pareekutty, initially an exporter of cashew nuts, was convinced by filmmaker Ramu Kariat to produce Neelakkuyil with a modest budget of ₹10,000. The film featured renowned actors Sathyan and Miss Kumari, with most other roles filled by talent from All India Radio and the stage. Despite initial skepticism, Neelakkuyil became a hit, running for 100 days at Chithra Theatre in Thiruvananthapuram and 75 days at Coronation Theatre in Kozhikode. It also won the Union government's award for Second Best Film in 1954.

Following its success, Pareekutty sought to adapt a story by Basheer, which led to the production of Bhargavi Nilayam. Directed by Vincent, it was completed in just 45 days, featuring a strong cast that included Madhu and Vijaya Nirmala. This film marked a turning point in Malayalam cinema, showcasing Basheer's poignant dialogues and memorable songs by M. S. Baburaj.

Both films continue to hold a special place in the hearts of audiences, celebrating the rich tapestry of Malayalam literature and cinema.