Looking for a path to holistic well-being? Look no further than Dr. Sudarsan's Ayush Ayurveda Centre, where ancient wisdom meets modern healing.

Led by Dr. P.K. Sudarsanan Nair, a distinguished Panchakarma specialist and former Assistant Director in-charge at the National Research Institute for Panchakarma, Cheruthuruthy (CCRAS, Govt of India), their centre offers a wide array of specialized treatments designed to promote health and vitality.

Their Specialties Include:

  1. Panchakarma Procedures and Kerala Specialties: Immerse yourself in the traditional healing practices of Kerala with their authentic Panchakarma procedures and Kerala-specific therapies. Experience deep detoxification and rejuvenation for your body, mind, and soul.

  2. Specialized Treatment for Neurological, Neuromuscular, and Rheumatological Problems: Their team of experts provides personalized care for a range of neurological, neuromuscular, and rheumatological conditions. Experience relief and restoration with their holistic approach to healing.

  3. Gynecological Disorders and Infertility: Dr. Sreeparvathy S., MD(Ay.) Their Medical Superintendent and specialist in gynecology and infertility, offers compassionate care and effective solutions for women's health issues, including gynecological disorders and infertility.

  4. Physiotherapy: Restore mobility, alleviate pain, and improve physical function with our physiotherapy services. Their qualified therapists employ evidence-based techniques to support your rehabilitation journey.

Conveniently located in East Ottapalam, you can reach them at 9746644396 or 9744910365. For their branch in Nigdi, Pune, contact 9607710933. Experience the convenience of online consultations by reaching out to their website at www.ayushayurveda.in or email them at ayushayurvedaotp@gmail.com for bookings and inquiries.

Embark on a journey to wellness with Dr. Sudarsan's Ayush Ayurveda Centre. Your path to holistic healing begins here.